Expository Sermons and Worship Resources
By Coty Pinckney
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Coty recently returned from serving as a missionary at Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary. See the Cameroon page for all the prayer letters written during the year, along with pictures. Updated 5 July.
Recent Changes
9/20/02 -- A new version of the Study Guide to Revelation posted. This version is aimed at those who know a bit of Greek, and goes into somewhat more depth than the earlier version. Posted as a Microsoft Word document containing all 27 lessons.
7/29/02 -- Psalm 67 Why Should God Bless You?
6/18/02 -- 1 Timothy 4:12-16 How to Save Yourself and Others (Preached in Cameroon, 6/7/02)
4/29/02 -- 1 Corinthians 10:12 The Deceitfulness of Sin (Preached in Cameroon, 4/8 and 4/9/02)
2/25/02 -- Exodus 2:23-25 The God Who Knows (Preached in Cameroon, 2/14/02)
12/20/01 -- Romans 11:35-12:1 Is God Grateful for All You Do?. (Preached in Cameroon, 11/23/01)
11/02/01 -- Matthew 11:28-30 A Great Invitation, a Great Demand. (Preached in Cameroon, 9/29/01)
8/15/01 -- Four new study guides posted, appropriate for small groups: Romans 8: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible?, The Gospel of Mark, The Message of the Bible, and The Pleasures of God. Read more in the Bible Study section.
7/22/01 -- Habakkuk 3:17-19 The Faith to Rejoice (posted 8/8/01)
7/15/01 -- Romans 8:28 Do All Things Work Together for Good? (posted 8/6/01)
7/1/01 -- Habakkuk 3:1-16 Wrath and Mercy
The Bible Unity Reading Plan. This reading plan takes you through the entire Bible in a year, with the bulk of the readings arranged chronologically. Unlike other chronological plans, however, you read a selection from the New Testament almost every day of the year. See the plan as a pdf file (which requires the Acrobat reader), or a Microsoft Word document.
An email list to encourage expository preaching: Expositor's Quote of the Week. Follow this link to join the list, or to read inspiring and challenging quotes on preaching from the likes of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Stott, Charles Spurgeon, Ray Stedman, John Owen, and John Piper. Updated weekly.
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Why Should God Bless You? (Psalm 67) (7/28/02)
How to Save Yourself and Others (1 Timothy 4:12-16; preached in Cameroon) (6/7/02)
The Deceitfulness of Sin (1 Corinthians 10:12; preached in Cameroon) (4/9/02)
The God Who Knows (Exodus 2:23-25; preached in Cameroon) (2/14/02)
Is God Grateful for All You Do? (Romans 11:35-12:1; preached in Cameroon) (11/23/01)
A Great Invitation, a Great Demand (Matthew 11:28-30; preached in Cameroon) (9/29/01)
Do All Things Work Together for Good? (Romans 8:28) (7/15/01)
Living by Faith When God is Confusing (Habakkuk 1:1 to 2:1) (3/25/01)
The Righteous Shall Live By Faith (Habakkuk 2:2-4) (4/1/01)
True Satisfaction Through Faith Alone (Habakkuk 2:5-8) (4/8/01)
True Security Through Faith Alone (Habakkuk 2:9-11) (5/6/01)
True Accomplishment Through Faith Alone (Habakkuk 2:12-14) (5/27/01)
True Honor Through Faith Alone (Habakkuk 2:15-17) (6/3/01)
God is Your God Through Faith Alone (Habakkuk 2:18-20) (6/24/01)
Wrath and Mercy (Habakkuk 3:1-16) (7/1/01)
The Faith to Rejoice (Habakkuk 3:17-19) (7/22/01)
What Child is This? (12/24/00)
Jeroboam: The Pragmatist (1 Kings 11 & 12) (11/5/00)
A Time for Grace, a Time for Judgment (1 Kings 13) (11/12/00)
The Beginning of the Gospel (Mark 1:1-8) (4/25/99)
Why Did Jesus Come? (Mark 1:9-39) (5/2/99)
Make Me Clean! (Mark 1:40-45) (5/9/99)
Your Visa to Heaven (Mark 2:1-17) (6/28/99)
Rules and Relationship (Mark 2:18-3:6) (7/11/99)
God's Intimate Family (Mark 3:7-35) (8/29/99)
Do You Have Ears? (Mark 4:1-34) (9/5/99)
Fear or Faith? (Mark 4:35-5:20) (9/26/99)
Fear Not! Only Believe! (Mark 5:21-6:6) (10/24/99)
The Power to Serve (Mark 6:7-52) (10/31/99)
The Traditions of Men vs the Commands of God (Mark 7:1-30) (11/7/99)
Deaf Ears, Blind Eyes, and Thick Heads (Mark 7:31-8:26) (12/5/99)
Gaining True Life Through Losing False Life (Mark 8:27-9:1) (12/12/99)
The False Life of Selfish Ambition: Abortion and Other Ways of Rejecting God (James 3:13-4:10) (1/23/00)
The Way to Greatness (Mark 9) (1/30/00)
Marriage and Divorce (Mark 10:1-12) (2/27/00)
Childlike Faith, Childlike Giving (Mark 10:13-31) (3/5/00)
Does God Reward Us for Giving? (Mark 10:29-30) (3/19/00: This sermon overlaps with others, as it was preached elsewhere.)
Suffering and Joy (Mark 10:32-52) (4/2/00)
Jesus, the Perfect King (Mark 11:1-11) (4/30/00)
How to Bear Fruit (Mark 11:12-12:12) (5/7/00)
Fertilizing Fruit Trees (Mark 12:13-44) (5/14/00)
Living in the Last Days (Mark 13) (7/2/00)
How Much is Jesus Worth? (Mark 14:1-25) (7/30/00)
The Hour Has Come! (Mark 14:26-52) (8/6/00)
Dangerous Upstart, Impotent Master, Innocent Madman -- Or All-Conquering Lord? (Mark 14:53-15:15) (8/27/00)
My God, My God! Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Mark 15:16-39) RealAudio version (9/10/00)
Perseverance in Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
David and Bathsheba, Bill and Monica
The Need to Belong (Leviticus 1)
Your Present to God (Leviticus 2)
How Can I Find Peace? (Leviticus 3)
Blood's Cleansing Power (Leviticus 4)
The Need for Reconciliation (Leviticus 5 and 6)
The Priesthood of All Believers (Leviticus 8:1-3)
Clothes Make the Man (Leviticus 8:4-9, 21:1-24)
The Effective Priest (Leviticus 8:10-9:24)
The Disqualified Priest (Leviticus 10)
Clean and Unclean (Leviticus 11-15) (11/29/98)
As Far as the East is From the West: The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16) (12/6/98)
Me? Obey the Law? (Leviticus 17-20) (1/10/99)
Christians and the Law (Leviticus 17-20) (1/17/99)
A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God (Leviticus 23) (2/28/99)
Your Inheritance: Glorious Discovery to a Lonely Wretch (Leviticus 25, Jubilee) (3/7/99)
Who are You? (Leviticus 26) (3/14/99)
Is Paul to be Trusted? (Ephesians 1:1-2)
The Only Thing That Lasts (Ephesians 1:13,14)
The Most Difficult Truth in the Bible (Ephesians 2:1-3)
Are All Christians United? (Ephesians 2:11-22)
The Ideal Church (Ephesians 4:12-16)
Are You Married to Jesus? (Ephesians 5:22-33, part 1)
What is Christian Marriage? (Ephesians 5:22-33, part 2)
How Can I Resist Satan? (Ephesians 6:16,17)
Perseverance in Prayer (Ephesians 6:18-24)
What Does the Bible Say About Family Relationships?
Hope for the Hopeless (Isaiah 59-62)
Pleasing Grief and Mournful Joy: A Good Friday Meditation
The Resurrection? So What? An Easter Sermon (Philippians 3:10)
RealAudio Files (Large - 1.5 to 4.5 megabytes)
I Failed! (John 18:12-23; preached in 1996)
Who Are Your Heroes? (Daniel 1-6) (preached October '92; needs 30 sec patch at end)
My God, My God! Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Mark 15:16-39) (9/10/00)
Sermon transcriptions
When God Doesn't Answer (Psalm 77)
Money Myths (1 Timothy 6:5-19)
Why Money? (2 Corinthians 8 & 9)
Biblical Principles for Managing Money
The Way of Darkness and the Way of Light (John 12:27-50)
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Expository Preaching Resources
Powerful Expository Preaching Series, by Ray Stedman
Part 1: The Glory of Preaching
Part 2: Preparation of Expository Sermons
Part 3: The Accountability of the Preacher
Ray delivered these talks at the first Congress on the Bible, held in 1982 in San Diego. I've transcribed them (with virtually no editing) from PBC tapes; RealAudio files
are available on the PBC site. Invaluable advice from one of the best expository preachers.In these talks Ray recommends two books on expository preaching: Preaching and Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching in the Twentieth Century by John Stott (originally entitled I Believe in Preaching). To these two fine books I would add my recommendation for John Piper's The Supremacy of God in Preaching. Order any of these through Amazon by clicking on the link.
I also highly recommend John Piper's Mullins Lectures on Preaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, September 14 to 16, 1999. Two of his three talks are available as RealAudio files at the SBTS website: "Why Does Preaching Have Such a Prominent Place in Worship" and "A Zeal That Accords with Knowledge."
Inspiring quotes on preaching.
Worship Resources
Expository Easter Sermons, links to more than 70 Easter, Good Friday, and Maundy Thursday messages by Charles Spurgeon, John Piper, Martin Luther, Ray Stedman, and others.
A Good Friday order of service
John Newton's poem In Evil Long I Took Delight
John Donne's poem Good Friday, 1613: Riding Westward; these two poems are especially effective in Good Friday services.
Unusual Christmas Carols and Hymns.
A sample Christmas Eve program.
Recommended Christmas Stories (with excerpts), for children and adults.
George Macdonald's classic Christmas story The Gifts of the Child Christ, in its entirety.
A Responsive Prayer for the Christmas Season
John Piper's Advent Poems. Piper composes four poems each Advent season, and reads them during services. Most are biblical stories, expanded and set to verse. More than 70 are now available. These are moving poems, biblically sound and theologically deep. "The Innkeeper" is my favorite. This poem is also available in book form, and makes an attractive gift.
Expository Christmas Sermons: Links to more than 50 sermons by Charles Spurgeon, Ray Stedman, John Piper, John MacArthur, and others.
An Hour of Prayer: A suggested outline to use when praying for an hour, first written for use in a 24-hour New Year's prayer vigil.
Bible Studies
Bible Unity Reading Plan. A guide to reading through the entire Bible in one year, with most selections arranged chronologically, in order to highlight the way all history points to the coming of Jesus Christ. Unlike other chronological plans, however, this guide includes selections from both New and Old Testaments the entire year. Access as either a a pdf file (which requires the free Acrobat reader), or a Microsoft Word document
Study Guides for Small Groups or Personal Study:
For those who don't believe, or are new believers:
The Message of the Bible, a brief, 6-week overview of the plan of redemption. Studies include: Creation, the Fall, God's Promise of a Deliverer, Jesus and New Birth, the Death of Jesus, and the Resurrection.
For new believers, or those who would like a better grounding in the basic tenets of the faith:
Life-Changing Doctrines: A 10-Week Study.
Short study questions for a low-key small group:
The Gospel of Mark, a 10-week study of the entire gospel.
In-depth studies:
The Pleasures of God: A 12-week study of the character of God, focusing on what gives Him pleasure. Each week, participants study a passage of Scripture and read a chapter from John Piper's book by this name.
The Greatest Chapter in the Bible? A 12 to 16 week study of Romans 8.
Study Guide to Revelation. Twenty-seven weekly studies covering the entire book.
A new version of the Study Guide to Revelation. This version is aimed at those who know a bit of Greek, and goes into somewhat more depth than the version above. Posted as a Microsoft Word document containing all 27 lessons.
Truth that Matters: A Scripture-based introduction to systematic theology.
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