Today's Expositor's Quote comes from an address given by B.B. Warfield to his seminary students ninety years ago:

Time would fail me, if I undertook to outline with any fullness the method of the devout life. . . . One hint I may give you, particularly adapted to you as students for the ministry: Keep always before your mind the greatness of your calling, that is to say, these two things: the immensity of the task before you, the infinitude of the resources at your disposal. I think it has not been idly said, that if we face the tremendous difficulty of the work before us, it will certainly throw us back upon our knees; and if we worthily gauge the power of the gospel committed to us, that will certainly keep us on our knees. I am led to single out this particular consideration, because it seems to me that we have fallen upon an age in which we very greatly need to recall ourselves to the seriousness of life and its issues, and to the seriousness of our calling as ministers to life. . . . I would call you back to this seriousness of outlook, and bid you cultivate it, if you would be men of God now, and ministers who need not be ashamed hereafter. Think of the greatness of the minister's calling; the greatness of the issues which hang on your worthiness or your unworthiness for its high functions; and determine once for all that with God's help you will be worthy.

Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Religious Life of Theological Students," presented at Princeton Theological Seminary October 4, 1911; reprinted in The Masters Seminary Journal 6:2 (Fall 1995), 181-195.

[How big is the task to which God has called you? How tremendous are the difficulties you face in fulfilling that task? Yet what resources does God make available to you? May we each approach our task with fear and trembling, yet with confidence that the God who calls is also the God who enables us to fulfill that calling -- Coty]

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