This week's Expositor's Quote is from our old friend Charles Spurgeon:
It is essential that we should exhibit faith in the form of confidence in God. Brothers, it would be a great calamity if it could be said of any one of you, "He had an excellent moral character, and remarkable gifts; but he did not trust God." Faith is a chief necessary. . . . It would be dreadful to think of a sermon as being all that a sermon ought to be in every respect except that the preacher did not trust in the Holy Spirit to bless it to the conversion of souls; such a discourse is vain. No sermon is what it ought to be if faith be absent: as well say that a body is in health when life is extinct. . . . I make bold to assert that, in the service of God, nothing is impossible, and nothing is improbable. Go in for great things, brethren, in the Name of God; risk everything on His promise, and according to your faith shall it be done unto you.
Charles Spurgeon, "The Mustard Seed," Sermon #2110 on Luke 13:18-19, delivered Oct 20, 1889. Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 35.
[Do you work, and trust God to work? Do you expect Him to live up to His promises, and thank Him when He does? Friends, this is the only way to have the Spirit's power when you preach - Coty]